How can psychology enhance peace mediation?

18 May 2022
Swiss Embassy in London


How psychology can impact and enhance peace mediation practice was in focus at an event in London on 18 May 2022. The event was co-organised by the Swiss Embassy in London, Conciliation Resources and the Centre for Researching and Embedding Human Rights (CREHR) at Birkbeck, University of London.

Here is the link to a commentary published by Conciliation Resources: ‘Bringing the human’ into peace mediation | Conciliation Resources (

The pilot study is part of the ‘States of Mind in Conflict’ project led by CREHR and funded by the Swiss Federal Government Research Programme. It aims to grow and enhance peace mediation by equipping mediators with psychosocial tools, strategies and understanding.

Thanks to event co-organisers and hosts the Swiss Embassy in London.

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA