Marcela López Levy has a first degree in psychology (Sheffield), a Masters in Social Anthropology (Goldsmiths) and a doctorate in Political Sociology (University of London). In every discipline my focus was on the inter-disciplinary psychosocial thinking that explores subjectivity, power and culture. Psychosocial thinking in Latin America goes back many decades and is central to the human rights and social justice organisations that I have worked with in the past two decades.
My research interests include how to design safe spaces where groups of people can allow new thoughts and feelings to emerge. I practise clinically as a group analyst. Publications include Argentina under the Kirchners: the legacy of left populism (Practical Action Publishing, 2017) and We Are Millions: neo-liberalism and new forms of political action in Argentina (Latin America Bureau, 2004) and I am the Reviews Editor of the Journal of Latin American Studies.