Julian is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in private practice in Bilbao (Spain) He trained at the Arbours Association (London), where he held different posts such as Resident Therapist at the Arbours Crisis Centre. Back in Spain, he has been involved in training and supervision. In recent years he has worked as coordinator in different projects with victims of terrorism in the Basque Country.
The following links provide more information on some of those projects: A documentary film on the Glencree experience, only in Spanish, which can be easily viewed online: https://www.eitb.tv/es/video/victimas-y-memoria-glencree/6249/49310/victimas-y-memoria-glencree/. A book: “Ripples on the water: an analysis of the Glencree Experience”, also in Spanish. This book can be freely downloaded from http://icip.gencat.cat/web/.content/continguts/publicacions/llibres/eines/eines15/EINES15_01_09-15interact-FIN.pdf.
The following is a link to one of the performances at the core of the project “Adiorik Gabe” (“Without Goodbyes”):